Polio outbreak in the Philippines

The World Health Organisation has confirmed that there is currently an outbreak of Polio in the Philippines. If you or anyone in your household is due to travel to the…

How is your mental health?

World Mental Health Day is held on 10 October. At IMC we see patients present with various mental health challenges therefore we asked Dr Charu to explain what we mean…

Les problèmes de santé mentale les plus courants

Que signifie réellement « santé mentale » ? La santé mentale comprend le bien-être émotionnel, psychologique et social d’une personne.  Elle détermine notre capacité à faire face au stress de…

Endometriosis – the facts

Health Alerts, News
What is endometriosis? Endometriosis is a condition where the lining of the womb (endometrium) is found in other parts of the body. This often occurs in the pelvis (around the…

Augmentation des cas de dengue en 2019

Le virus de la dengue fait son retour en force à Singapour. La National Environment Agency (NEA – Agence nationale pour l’environnement) a déjà constaté une forte augmentation du nombre…

Hazy about Haze?

What is the haze?  Forests in Sumatra and Kalimantan in Indonesia are more prone to fires in the hot, dry season (or they are set alight by farmers to clear…

We want to hear from you

Adolescent Health Screening Child's Full Name First Last Email* Phone*Date of Birth* DD slash MM slash YYYY Sex*-- Please Select --MaleFemalePrefer Not to AnswerParent/Guardian Full Name First Last For children…

Food poisoning outbreak in Singapore

There has been 18 cases of typhoid infection reported in Singapore over the last 3 weeks. Typhoid fever is an infection caused by the bacteria Salmonella typhi, and is transmitted through eating food or water…

Orthorexia – the new eating disorder?

We asked Dr Jane Foley all about eating disorders and the newly identified Orthorexia. Q. How common are eating disorders? In the UK, approximately 1.25 million people have an eating…

Breastfeeding: all you need to know

To celebrate World Breastfeeding Week we are republishing this article from IMC and Uma Thambidurai, Director of Mother & Child and lactation expert everything you need to know about breastfeeding.…

Update on Dengue in Singapore

The surge in dengue fever continues, with 500 people diagnosed last week – the highest number in more than three years. It brought the number of people infected this year…

Asthma – all you need to know

What exactly is asthma? Asthma is a common condition affecting the lungs in children. This happens because the airways in the lungs become inflamed and narrow. Thus, your child can…
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