Get Prepared for Camp!

Camps can be a cause of anxiety for parents (and students). With camps to India, Thailand and Malaysia coming up in the school calendar we suggest you eliminate one element of concern and ensure you book your child in for a travel health and vaccination check up. Pre-travel preparation will help protect your child’s health and a consultation is recommended 6-8 weeks prior to departure. (Year 9 parents with children visiting India in November may want to tune in at this point). Healthy children will definitely have more fun.

The following table is meant to flag potential health concerns found in India, Malaysia and Thailand however with proper precaution these health risks can be mitigated.  Personalised travel health consults will take into consideration the terrain the students will be travelling to, previous health concerns and each child’s vaccination status.

We urge parents not to be concerned, the below table is not to scare you and the risk of contracting disease is rare, however we do urge you to do your part and prepare the children for their camp.

  India Thailand Malaysia
Hepatitis A Y Y Y
Hepatitis B Y Y Y
Typhoid Y Y Y
Tetanus, Pertussis & Diptheria    Y Y Y
Malaria Y Y  
Dengue Fever Y Y Y
Japanese Encephalitis Y Y  
Rabies Y Y Y
Traveller’s Diarrhoea No vaccination however medication can rapidly improve symptoms

 If you would like to book in for a Travel Health consultation please contact any of the IMC clinics and we will be happy to help or book an appointment online:

Insurance companies we work with

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